SICRIS bibliography converter

Do you want to list all your publications on your or your department’s web page? Or maybe you want to collect all your scientific publications for project proposal, job application, and so on?
Well, in Slovenia we have a nice national web portal called SICRIS where all your published work is stored and maintained. It is a matter of a couple of clicks to get to your entire work collection. However, although there are four different formats all of them are unreadable and, in particular, far from the elegant form that you wish to have on your web page or send to the ministry with the project application.
For this reason I made a simple Javascript-base page that can convert the unreadable SICRIS result to a nice form ready for publishing:
On this page, there are three different style that you can choose from. If you don’t like them it is rather simple to customize the style. You can always ask me, or you can try to do it yourself by modifying the parse_cobiss.js
Že maš patent na tole? 😉
Hvala, tole res olajša življenje urejanja podatkov, če je potrebno kam pošiljat izpise.
Super, se priporocam za kaksno francosko solato 😉