Anton Potočnik

                            at imec


nmrFit is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. The program allows to load a series of spectra, typically as a function of temperature, and then perform various analysis on the entire series.


  • Automatic fast fourier transform with auto phase and auto SHL option.
  • Spectral moment analysis
  • Fitting spectra with numerical simulations (fminsearch)
  • Background correction
  • Spectra multiplication, substration, shift, and normalization

Numerical functions are defined in separate file, so one can easily add new functions.

Recognized file formats

  • In-house 7NMR file format
  • Andraž Krajnc developed conversion tool from Bruker NMR data files to 7NMR format
  • Two column ascii data file (spectre only)

Screen shots

Source Code

Distributed under GNU GPL license. If the analysis obtained by this tool is going to be published in any journal, the authors are required to cite this webpage.


The use of the program is very similar to eprFit.

For more information or bug report please contact me.

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