Anton Potočnik

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Tag Archives: tools

Transmon Qubit Calculator

With this calculator you can convert between charging energy (Ec) and total capacitance (CΣ), between Josephson energy (EJ), Josephson inductance (LJ), junction critical current (Ic) or room temperature junction resistance (R), and from charging and Josephson energies calculate relevant qubit transition frequencies. Other calculations are added below including Qubit’s Purcell decay, chi-shift, conversion between spectral…

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SICRIS bibliography converter

Do you want to list all your publications on your or your department’s web page? Or maybe you want to collect all your scientific publications for project proposal, job application, and so on? Well, in Slovenia we have a nice national web portal called SICRIS where all your published work is stored and maintained. It…

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LeyLa is a Matlab-based tool for analysing Raman spectra. The name is derived from two cities (Ljubljana and Leoben) where the idea for this program emerged. Features Fitting spectra with analytical functions including errorbar estimates (Curve Fitting Tool) Spline background correction Spectra subtraction, shift, normalization, binning, etc. Analytical functions used for fitting are defined in…

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Energy Units Calculator

Enter energy value in the appropriate input box and press enter, tab, or click outside of the input box. J eV K GHz cm-1 Ha (Hartree) Ry (Rydberg) Boltzman population ratio at 298.15K Adapted from

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nmrAna is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. The program allows to analyse the entire series of measured spectra as a function of temperature and other parameters like Tau in case of spin-lattice time (T1) measurements. Authors Anton Potočnik (IJS, F5) Andraž Krajnc (KI) Peter Jeglič (IJS, F5) Tomaž Apih…

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eprFit is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. The program allows to load a series of spectra, typically as a function of temperature, and then perform various analysis on the entire series. Features Spectral moment analysis Fitting spectra with analytical functions including errorbar estimates (Curve Fitting Tool) Fitting spectra with…

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nmrFit is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. The program allows to load a series of spectra, typically as a function of temperature, and then perform various analysis on the entire series. Features Automatic fast fourier transform with auto phase and auto SHL option. Spectral moment analysis Fitting spectra with…

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