Scientific articles
- High-coherence superconducting qubits made using industry-standard, advanced semiconductor manufacturing
J. Van Damme, S. Massar, R. Acharya, Ts. Ivanov, D. P. Lozano, Y. Canvel, M. Demarets, D. Vangoidsenhoven, Y. Hermans, J-G Lai, Vadiraj Rao, M. Mongillo, D. Wan, J. De Boeck, A. Potočnik, K. De Greve
arXiv: 2403.01312 (2024). - Manufacturing high-Q superconducting α-tantalum resonators on silicon wafers
D. P. Lozano, M. Mongillo, X. Piao, S. Couet, D. Wan, Y. Canvel, A. M. Vadiraj, Ts. Ivanov, J. Verjauw, R. Acharya, J. Van Damme, F. A. Mohiyaddin, J. Jussot, P. P. Gowda, A. Pacco, B. Raes, J. Van de Vondel, I. P. Radu, B. Govoreanu, J. Swerts, A. Potočnik, K. De Greve
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 4, 025801 (2024). (arXiv: 2211.16437) - Multiplexed superconducting qubit control at millikelvin temperatures with a low-power cryo-CMOS multiplexer
Acharya, R., Brebels, S., Grill, A., Verjauw, J., Ivanov, Ts., Perez Lozano, D., Wan, D., van Damme, J., Vadiraj, A. M., Mongillo, M., Govoreanu, B., Craninckx, J., Radu, I. P., de Greve, K., Gielen, G., Catthoor, F., Potočnik A.
Nat Electron 6, 900 (2023). (arXiv: 2209.13060). - Argon milling induced decoherence mechanisms in superconducting quantum circuits
J. Van Damme, Ts. Ivanov, P. Favia, T. Conard, J. Verjauw, R. Acharya, D. Perez Lozano, B. Raes, J. Van de Vondel, A. M. Vadiraj, M. Mongillo, D. Wan, J. De Boeck, A. Potočnik, K. De Greve
Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 014034 (2023). (arXiv: 2302.03518) - Path toward manufacturable superconducting qubits with relaxation times exceeding 0.1 ms
Verjauw, J., Acharya, R., Van Damme, J., Ivanov, Ts., Perez Lozano, D., Mohiyaddin, F.H., Wan, D., Jussot, J., Vadiraj, A. M., Mongillo, M., Heyns, H., Radu, I., Govoreanu, B., and Potočnik, A.
npj Quantum Information 8, 93 (2022). (arxiv: 2202.10303) - Millikelvin temperature cryo-CMOS multiplexer for scalable quantum device characterization
Potočnik, A., Brebels, S., Verjauw, J., Acharya, R., Grill, A., Wan, D., Mongillo, M., Li, R., Ivanov, T., Van Winckel, S., Mohiyaddin, F., Govoreanu, B., Craninckx, J. and Radu, I.
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7, 015004 (2022). (arxiv: 2011.11514) - Investigation of microwave loss induced by oxide regrowth in high-Q Nb resonators
Verjauw, J., Potočnik, A., Mongillo, M., Acharya, R., Mohiyaddin, F., Simion, G., Pacco, A., Ivanov, Ts., Wan, D., Vanleenhove, A., Souriau, L., Jussot, J., Thiam, A., Swerts, J., Piao, X., Couet, S., Heyns, M., Govoreanu, B. and Radu, I.
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 014018 (2021). (arxiv: 2012.10761) - Fabrication and Room Temperature Characterization of Trilayer Junctions for the Development of Superconducting Qubits on 300 mm Wafers
Wan, D., Couet, S., Piao, X., Souriau, L., Canvel, Y., Tsvetanova, D., Vangoidsenhoven, D., Thiam, A., Pacco, A., Potočnik, A., Mongillo, M., Ivanov, T., Jussot, J., Verjauw, J., Acharya, R., Lazzarino, F., Govoreanu, B. and Radu, I.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 60, SBBI04 (2021). - Observation of the Crossover from Photon Ordering to Delocalization in Tunably Coupled Resonators
M. C. Collodo, A. Potočnik, S. Gasparinetti, J.-C. Besse, M. Pechal, M. Sameti, M. J. Hartmann, A. Wallraff, C. Eichler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183601 (2019). - Rapid High-fidelity Multiplexed Readout of Superconducting Qubits
J. Heinsoo, C. Kraglund Andersen, A. Remm, S. Krinner, T. Walter, Y. Salathé, S. Gasparinetti, J.-C. Besse, A. Potočnik, A. Wallraff, and C. Eichler,
Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 034040 (2018). - Studying light-harvesting models with superconducting circuits
A. Potočnik, A. Bargerbos, F. A. Y. N. Schröder, S. A. Khan, M. C. Collodo, S. Gasparinetti, Y. Salathé, C. Creatore, C. Eichler, H. E. Türeci, A. W. Chin, and
A. Wallraff,
Nature Communications 9, 904 (2018). - Realization of a Quantum Random Generator Certified with the Kochen-Specker Theorem
Anatoly Kulikov, Markus Jerger, Anton Potočnik, Andreas Wallraff, and Arkady Fedorov,
Physical Review Letters 119, 240501 (2017). - Triphenylide-Based Molecular Solid – a New Candidate for a Quantum Spin-Liquid Compound
Aleš Štefančič, Gyongyi Klupp, Tilen Knaflič,Dmitry S Yufit, Gasper Tavcar, Anton Potočnik, Andrew Beeby, and Denis Arcon,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 14864 (2017). - Rapid, High-Fidelity, Single-Shot Dispersive Readout of Superconducting Qubits
T. Walter, P. Kurpiers, S. Gasparinetti, P. Magnard, A. Potočnik, Y. Salathé, M. Pechal, M. Mondal, M. Oppliger, C. Eichler, and A. Wallraff,
Physics Review Applied 7, 054020 (2017). - A Superconducting Quantum Simulator for Topological Order and the Toric Code
Mahdi Sameti, Anton Potočnik, Dan E Browne, Andreas Wallraff, Michael J Hartmann,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042330 (2017). - Contextuality without nonlocality in a superconducting quantum system
Markus Jerger, Yarema Reshitnyk, Markus Oppliger, Anton Potočnik, Mintu Mondal, Andreas Wallraff, Kenneth Goodenough, Stephanie Wehner, Kristinn Juliusson, Nathan K Langford, Arkady Fedorov
Nature Communication, 7, 12930 (2016). - Digital quantum simulation of spin models with circuit quantum electrodynamics
Y Salathé, M Mondal, M Oppliger, J Heinsoo, P Kurpiers, A Potočnik, Antonio Mezzacapo, U Las Heras, L Lamata, E Solano, S Filipp, A Wallraff
Physical Review X, 5, 021027 (2015). - Optimized unconventional superconductivity in a molecular Jahn-Teller metal
Ruth H Zadik, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Gyöngyi Klupp, Ross H Colman, Alexey Y Ganin, Anton Potočnik, Peter Jeglič, Denis Arčon, Péter Matus, Katalin Kamarás, Yuichi Kasahara, Yoshihiro Iwasa, Andrew N Fitch, Yasuo Ohishi, Gaston Garbarino, Kenichi Kato, Matthew J Rosseinsky, Kosmas Prassides
Science advances, 1, e1500059 (2015). - Anomalous local spin susceptibilities in noncentrosymmetric La2C3 superconductor
Potočnik, A., Jeglič, P., Kobayashi, K., Kawashima, K., Kuchida, S., Akimitsu, J., and Arčon, D.
Physical Review B, 90, 104507 (2014). - Jahn-Teller orbital glass state in the expanded fcc Cs3C60 fulleride
Potočnik, A., Ganin, A., Takabayashi, Y., McDonald, M., Heinmaa, I., Jeglič, P., Stern, R., Rosseinsky, M., Prassides, K., and Arčon, D.
Chemical science, 5, 3008-3017 (2014). - Cu and CuO/titanate nanobelt based network assemblies for enhanced visible light photocatalysis
Logar, M., Bračko, I., Potočnik, A., and Jančar, B.
Langmuir 36, 4852-4862, (2014). - Size and symmetry of the superconducting gap in the f.c.c. Cs3C60 polymorph close to the metal-Mott insulator boundary
Potočnik, A., Krajnc, A., Jeglič, P., Takabayashi, Y., Ganin, A., Prassides, K., Rosseinsky, M., and Arčon, D.
Scientific reports 4, 4265, (2014). - Magnetic order and low-energy excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CuSe2O5 with staggered fields
Herak, M., Zorko, A., Pregelj, M., Zaharko, O., Posnjak, G., Jagličić, Z., Potočnik, A., Luetkens, H., Tol, J., Ozarowski, A., Berger, H., and Arčon, D.
Physical review B 87, 104413, (2013). - Orthorhombic fulleride (CH3NH2)K3C60 close to Mott-Hubbard instability : ab initio study
Potočnik, A., Manini, N., Komelj, M., Tosatti, E., and Arčon, D.
Physical review B 86, 085109, (2012). - Unconventional magnetism in a nitrogen-containing analog of cupric oxide
Zorko, A., Jeglič, P., Potočnik, A., Arčon, D., Balčytis, A., Jagličić, Z., Liu, X., Tchougréeff, A., and Dronskowski, R.
Physical review letters 107, 047208, (2011). - Role of antisymmetric exchange in selecting magnetic chirality in Ba3NbFe3Si2O14
Zorko, A., Pregelj, M., Potočnik, A., Tol, J., Ozarowski, A., Simonet, V., Lejay, P., Petit, S., and Ballou, R.
Physical review letters 107, 257203, (2011). - Symmetric and antisymmetric exchange anisotropies in quasi-one-dimensional CuSe2O5 as revealed by ESR
Herak, M., Zorko, A., Arčon, D., Potočnik, A., Klanjšek, M., Tol, J., Ozarowski, A., and Berger, H.
Physical review B 84, 184436, (2011). - The muon F-μ+-F hydrogen bond-like complex
Blinc, R., Lahajnar, G., and Potočnik, A.
Acta chimica slovenica 58, 393-395, (2011). - Magnetic properties of multiferroic K3Cr2Fe3F15
Blinc, R., Cevc, P., Potočnik, A., Žemva, B., Goreshnik, E., Hanžel, D., Gregorovič, A., Trontelj, Z., Jagličić, Z., Laguta, V., Perović, M., Dalal, N., and Scott, J.
Journal of applied physics 107, 043511, (2010). - Polymorphism control of superconductivity and magnetism in Cs3C60 close to the Mott transition
Ganin, A., Jeglič, P., Arčon, D., and Potočnik, A.
Nature 466, 221-225, (2010). - Strong correlations in highly electron-doped Zn(II)-DNA complexes
Omerzu, A., Anželak, B., Turel, I., Štrancar, J., Potočnik, A., Arčon, D., Arčon, I., Mihailović, D., and Matsui, H.
Physical review letters 104, 156804, (2010). - 75As nuclear magnetic resonance study of antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the normal state of LiFeAs
Jeglič, P., Potočnik, A., Klanjšek, M., Bobnar, M., Jagodič, M., Koch, K., Rosner, H., Margadonna, S., Lv, B., Guloy, A., and Arčon, D.
Physical review B 81, 140511, (2010). - Muon spin relaxation in some multiferroic fluorides
Potočnik, A., Zorko, A., Arčon, D., Goreshnik, E., Žemva, B., Blinc, R., Cevc, P., Trontelj, Z., Jagličić, Z., and Scott, J.
Physical review B 81, 214420, (2010). - Coexistence of localized and itinerant electronic states in the multiband iron-based superconductor FeSe0.42Te0.58
Arčon, D., Jeglič, P., Zorko, A., Potočnik, A., Ganin, A., Takabayashi, Y., Rosseinsky, M., and Prassides, K.
Physical review B 82, 140508, (2010). - Self-assembled artificial cilia
Vilfan, M., Potočnik, A., Kavčič, B., Osterman, N., Poberaj, I., Vilfan, A., and Babič, D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 1844-1847, (2010). - Structural characterization of a nanocrystalline inorganic-organic hybrid with fiberlike morphology and one-dimensional antiferromagnetic properties
Djerdj, I., Cao, M., Rocqufelte, X., Černý, R., Jagličić, Z., Arčon, D., Potočnik, A., Gozzo, F., and Niederberger, M.
Chemistry of materials 21, 3356-3369, (2009). - Electron paramagnetic resonance and Mössbauer study of antiferromagnetic K3Cu3Fe2F15
Blinc, R., Tavčar, G., Žemva, B., Goreshnik, E., Hanžel, D., Cevc, P., Potočnik, A., Laguta, V., Trontelj, Z., Jagličić, Z., and Scott, J.
Journal of applied physics 106, 023924, (2009). - Synthesis of 3D hierarchical self-assembled microstructures formed from α-MnO2 nanotubes and their conducting and magnetic properties
Umek, P., Gloter, A., Pregelj, M., Dominko, R., Jagodič, M., Jagličić, Z., Zimina, A., Brzhezinskaya, M., Potočnik, A., Filipič, C., Levstik, A., and Arčon, D.
The journal of physical chemistry C 113, 14798-14803, (2009). - Ordering of polarons in the charge-disordered phase of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3
Levstik, A., Filipič, C., Bobnar, V., Potočnik, A., Arčon, D., Drnovšek, S., Holc, J., and Jagličić, Z.
Physical review B 79, 153110, (2009). - Low-moment antiferromagnetic ordering in triply charged cubic fullerides close to the metal-insulator transition
Jeglič, P., Arčon, D., Potočnik, A., Ganin, A., Takabayashi, Y., Rosseinsky, M., and Prassides, K.
Physical review B 80, 195424, (2009).
Conference proceedings
- Key ingredients for manufacturing superconducting quantum processors at scale
T. Last, M. Mongillo, Ts. Ivanov, A. Rol, A. Lawrence, G. Alberts, D. Wan, A. Potocnik, K. De Greve
Proc. SPIE 12497, Novel Patterning Technologies 2023, 124970H (30 April 2023). - Foundry compatible 300 mm process flows for Si spin and superconducting qubits
D. Wan, S. Kubicek, Ts. Ivanov, S. Massar, M. Mongillo, A. Potocnik, R. Li, C. Godfrin, D. Perez Lozano, X. Piao, J. Jussot, Y. Canvel, A. Pacco, A. Hikavyy, H. Jansen, A. Elsayed, M. Shehata, J. Verjauw, R. Acharya, J. Van Damme, G. Simion, K. De Greve
Proc. SPIE PC12499, Advanced Etch Technology and Process Integration for Nanopatterning XII, PC1249908 (30 April 2023). - A 28nm 6.5-8.1GHz 1.16mW/qubit Cryo-CMOS System-an-Chip for Superconducting Qubit Readout
S. Van Winckel, A. Caglar, B. Gys, S. Brebels, A. Potočnik, B. Parvais, P. Wambacq, J. Craninckx
IEEE 48th European Solid State Circuits Conference ESSCIRC (12-09-2022). - Scalable 1.4 μW cryo-CMOS SP4T multiplexer operating at 10 mK for high-fidelity superconducting qubit measurements
R. Acharya, A. Potočnik, S. Brebels, A. Grill, J. Verjauw, T. Ivanov, D. Perez Lozano, D. Wan, F.A. Mohiyaddin, J. Van Damme, A. M. Vadiraj, M. Mongillo, G. Gielen, F. Catthoor, J. Craninckx, I. Radu and B. Govoreanu
Symposium on VLSI Technology (12-6-2022). Nature Electronics highlight - High-Performance 300mm Integrated Superconducting Resonators for Quantum Computing Applications
M. Mongillo, A. Potočnik, J. Verjauw, F.A. Mohiyaddin, T. Ivanov, R, Acharya, X. Piao, D. Perez Lozano, D. Wan, A. Pacco, J. Jussot, L. Souriau, V.A. Rao, J. Swerts, S Couet, L. Goux, B. Govoreanu, and I. Radu
International Electron Devices Meeting IEDM (13-12-2021). - Solid state qubits: how learning from CMOS fabrication can speed-up progress in Quantum Computing
I.P. Radu, R. Li, A. Potočnik, T. Ivanov, D. Wan, S. Kubicek, N.I. Dumoulin Stuyck, J. Verjauw, J. Jussot, Y. Canvel, C. Godfrin, M. Mongillo, R. Acharya, A. Elsayed, M. Shehata, X. Piao, A. Pacco, L. Souriau, S. Couet, BT Chan, J. Craninckx, B. Parvais, A. Grill, S. Narasimhamoorthy, S. Van Winckel, S. Brebels, F.A. Mohiyaddin, G. Simion, B. Govoreanu
Symposium on VLSI Technology (13-6-2021). - Circuit models for the co-simulation of superconducting quantum computing systems
R. Acharya, F. A. Mohiyaddin, A. Potočnik, K. De Greve, B. Govoreanu, I. P. Radu, G. Gielen, F. Catthoor
Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE (1-2-2021). - CMOS Cryo-Electronics for quantum computing
Craninckx, J., Potočnik, A., Parvais, B., Grill, A., Van Winckel, S., Brebels, S., Mongillo, M., Li, R., Govoreanu, B. and Radu, I.
International Electron Devices Meeting IEDM (12-12-2020). - Fabrication and Room Temperature Characterization of Trilayer Junctions for the Development of 300 mm Compatible Superconducting Qubits
Wan, D.; Couet, S.; Piao, X.; Souriau, L.; Tsvetanova, D.; Vangoidsenhoven, D.; Thiam, A.; Pacco, A.; Potočnik, A.; Mongillo, M.; Ivanov, T.; Jussot, J.; Verjauw, J.; Acharya, R.; Heijlen, J.; Donadio, G.; Govoreanu, B.; Lazzarino, F. and Radu, I.
Solid State Devices and Materials SSDM (27-09-2020). - CMOS compatible Josephson junctions process development
Ivanov, T., Potočnik, A., Wan, D., Verjauw, J., Jussot, J., Mongillo, M., Acharya, R., Mohiyaddin, F., Favia, P., Bender, H., Goux, L., Govoreanu, B. and Radu, I.
Solid State Devices and Materials SSDM (27-09-2020). - Surface preparation of Niobium for Superconducting Qubit applications
Pacco, A., Verjauw, J., Mongillo, M., Potočnik, A., Ivanov, T., Acharya, R., Wan, D., Govoreanu, B., Radu, I., Wostyn, K., Altamirano Sanchez, E. and Holsteyns, F.
SPCC: The Surface Preparation and Cleaning Conference (01-04-2020). - Design of a long distance quantum interconnect for spin qubits using superconducting resonators
F. A. Mohiyaddin, N. Dumoulin Stuyck, B. Govoreanu, R. Li, A. Potočnik, F. Ciubotaru, S. Brebels, BT Chan, J. Jussot, S. Kubicek, A. Spessot, and I. Radu
IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC 2019) and Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (MAM 2019). - Fabrication of Superconducting Resonators in a 300 mm Pilot Line for Quantum Technologies
Wan, D., Swerts, J., Souriau, L., Burnett, J., Piao, X., Mongillo, M. Verjauw, J., Potočnik, A., Thiam, A., Jussot, J., Vangoidsenhoven, D., Pacco, A., Kudra, M., Niepce, D., Ivanov, Ts., Boccardi, G., Mocuta, D., Bylander, J., and Radu I.
IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC 2019) and Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (MAM 2019).
Monographs and other works
- Magnetic resonance of molecular superconductors bordering the antiferromagnetic Mott-insulating state (2013) (pdf 9 MB)
PhD thesis - Superconductivity as observed by Magnetic Resonance (2010) (pdf 0.9 MB) postgraduate seminar in English
- Enodimenzionalni magnetini sistemi (2009) (pdf 0.5 MB) postgraduate seminar in Slovene
- Diplomska naloga (2008) (pdf 5 MB) Diploma thesis in Slovene
- Ionske pasti (2008) (pdf 0.8 MB) undergraduate seminar in Slovene
- Cliffordova algebra in roboti (2007) (pdf 0.4 MB) undergraduate seminar in Slovene
- Devices in microfluidics (2007) (pdf 1.5 MB) undergraduate seminar in English
- Kvantne pike (2006) (pdf 1 MB) undergraduate seminar in Slovene
- Znanstveni Realizem (2006) (pdf 0.1 MB Slovene) undergraduate seminar in Slovene
- AFM – Model mikroskopa na atomsko silo (2003) (pdf 1 MB) high school research project in Slovene
- Torni Harmonični Oscilator (2002) (pdf 0.5 MB) high school research project in Slovene