Anton Potočnik

                            at imec


During my ski trip I got an interesting idea about a simple arcade game with a completely different approach. In this game the player has to find entangled balls.

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Anvil-type NMR cell

We just started testing our new anvil-type high-pressure cell for the NMR experiment. With the tungsten-carbide anvils we expect to reach pressures up to 4 GPa.

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Bending mercury stream with electrostatic force

One of our recent projects involved a detailed understanding of the mechanism behind bending of liquid streams in electrostatic potential. To test our understanding we performed two experiments, one with tap water, where conductivity is low, and the other with strongly conducting liquid – the mercury. Unfortunately, the explanation why the stream of water is…

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LeyLa is a Matlab-based tool for analysing Raman spectra. The name is derived from two cities (Ljubljana and Leoben) where the idea for this program emerged. Features Fitting spectra with analytical functions including errorbar estimates (Curve Fitting Tool) Spline background correction Spectra subtraction, shift, normalization, binning, etc. Analytical functions used for fitting are defined in…

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Energy Units Calculator

Enter energy value in the appropriate input box and press enter, tab, or click outside of the input box. J eV K GHz cm-1 Ha (Hartree) Ry (Rydberg) Boltzman population ratio at 298.15K Adapted from

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PhD defended!

On Wednesday, 21th of September 2013, I successfully defended the PhD thesis. Title: Magnetic resonance of molecular superconductors bordering the antiferromagnetic Mott-insulating state. The thesis can be found under the publications. Official highlight of the PhD surprise party:  

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Looking for a postdoc position

I am looking for a postdoc position in the field of quantum computing (superconducting qubits) or materials research (strongly correlated materials, superconductors, …). For more information please contact me.

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nmrAna is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. The program allows to analyse the entire series of measured spectra as a function of temperature and other parameters like Tau in case of spin-lattice time (T1) measurements. Authors Anton Potočnik (IJS, F5) Andraž Krajnc (KI) Peter Jeglič (IJS, F5) Tomaž Apih…

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eprFit is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. The program allows to load a series of spectra, typically as a function of temperature, and then perform various analysis on the entire series. Features Spectral moment analysis Fitting spectra with analytical functions including errorbar estimates (Curve Fitting Tool) Fitting spectra with…

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nmrFit is a Matlab-based tool for analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. The program allows to load a series of spectra, typically as a function of temperature, and then perform various analysis on the entire series. Features Automatic fast fourier transform with auto phase and auto SHL option. Spectral moment analysis Fitting spectra with…

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